Why Introverts Shouldn't Be Afraid of Networking.

When people think of networking a few images come to mind. People plastered with fake smiles exchanging business cards as though they were candy. Feel inauthentic, opportunistic, and like you’re trying to join a “bros club.” An “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine” form of networking. Scratching other people’s backs? Ick. 

This stereotypical picture of networking can deter people from opportunities to not only elevate their career, but connect with others in their desired profession. Limited beliefs about oneself can make people believe that they are “not the networking type.”  

Maybe you believe that networking is only for extroverts who are always the life of the party. I originally thought this about myself. I was often the quiet one in class and shied away from large group situations. 

When I was in college, no one taught us how to use properly Linkedin. All I learned was that it was used for “networking purposes” and copied and pasted my resume into my Linkedin profile. But once in a while you meet someone who changes your life. That person for me is Lauren Goldberg. I reached out to Lauren because I thought she sounded rad in her Linkedin profile. I genuinely wanted to get to know her and find out what her #happyplanetjobs was all about. Lauren taught me about #kindcareerism and changed my complete mindset about careers, networking, and why it’s important to make connections. 

While people tend to network when they’re in need of a new job, the best time is actually when you’re not looking. Networking shouldn’t be about making cringey transactions, but rather is about building sustaining relationships. 

When I first started conducting  informational interviews, it often wasn’t about finding a job at all. I chatted with people spanning across generations and learned that each career path was a windy road rather than an uphill battle. If I didn’t do informational interviews, I might have gone down a career path or grad program that was completely wrong for me. I’ve learned about different certifications and resources to help me learn about different career areas. 

And most importantly, I’ve created a group of supporters; people I can lean on if I need a listening ear about a career-related frustration, review my resume and cover letter, or give me advice regarding building an online portfolio. Life is hard, but it’s a lot harder if you go at it alone. 

Networking is scary, hard, and can be down right intimidating for us introverts. Especially the idea of an in-person networking event after years of being virtual. But there’s no need to be someone you’re not. Focus on connecting with one or two people. It might not lead to your next job, but maybe you’ll learn about a certification program, resource, or something as simple as a great coffee shop to try out. And remember, other people are probably just as nervous as you are to attend in-person events again. Even extroverts. 

Feeling inspired? Come join us at our 2022 Winter Speed Networking Event on Tuesday December 6th from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. The event will take place at Venture Cafe located on the 5th floor of the Cambridge Innovation Center located in Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA. We’d love to see you there.